What is the best insulin for diabetic cats?


Claire Fellman, PhD, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM), DACVCP, talks about different insulin options and what the literature tells us about their effectiveness in lowering blood-glucose levels.

In an interview with dvm360®, Claire Fellman, PhD, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM), DACVCP, reflects on a systematic review of different insulin options and the implications on their use in the clinic. The key takeaway is that there is flexibility and the practitioner's comfort can play a role in which to choose.

View the video below for the entire discussion. The following is a partial transcript.

Claire Fellman, PhD, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM), DACVCP: "I think we can use a lot of insulins successfully, and the biggest goal we have is trying to get those average blood-glucose [levels] down. What's been consistently shown in studies is if we can get that average blood glucose lower, that's the thing that's going to get us the best chance to get cats into remission."

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