Work that Web site for recruiting!


Don't forget Web resources when advertising for a new veterinarian, says Lynette Ott, practice manager at Barton Heights Veterinary Hospital in Stroudsburg, Pa. Classified ads are expensive, so you want to limit the space you use-but you still want to provide potential associates with lots of information before they apply.

Don't forget Web resources when advertising for a new veterinarian, says Lynette Ott, practice manager at Barton Heights Veterinary Hospital in Stroudsburg, Pa. Classified ads are expensive, so you want to limit the space you use—but you still want to provide potential associates with lots of information before they apply.

One solution: Give the basics in the classified, and refer potential applicants to your Web site. On your Web site, make a new heading, "New Veterinarian Wanted," and include as much information as you want regarding what your practice offers and requires from a new associate.

Candidates for the position will be sure to examine the rest of your Web site, clients can see what qualities you look for in new doctors, and your site gets more traffic. Everybody wins!

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