World News Roundup: May 23, 2017


In this week’s roundup: new animal welfare proposals, the effects of pet separation anxiety, New Zealand’s lack in animal welfare enforcement, and more.

New Zealand’s Animal Welfare Act Enforcement Lacking (The Press)

There are only 17 full-time inspectors in charge of protecting nearly 200 million farm animals in New Zealand, creating a major problem for enforcement of the country’s Animal Welfare Act, experts say. “One animal lawyer says the law is ‘completely inadequate,’ while a top veterinarian says underfunding and vague wording has left it ‘non-enforceable.’”

Huge Sea Animal Carcass Unidentifiable (Live Science)

A 50-foot-long animal carcass washed up on the shores of an Indonesian island earlier this month, but the identity of the massive creature remained a mystery for a bit. Was it a giant squid, a whale, an elephant, or even a rare species of dolphin? New reports reveal that the creature was, in fact, a decomposed baleen whale that garnered its unusual shape from decomposition gases that made it bloat.

Animal, Bird Sightings Drop In Yeoor (The Times of India)

Over the past 3 years, the spotting of animals in the Yeoor range of Sanjay Gandhi National Park in India has been on the decline. “This was revealed during the 24-hour annual census conducted by over 30 volunteers and forest officials from May 10 to May 11.” There were 392 birds, mammals, and amphibians spotted during the 2015 census, 250 during the 2016 census, and only 205 during this year’s census.

Nationalist Party Leader Announces 9 Animal Welfare Proposals (

Simon Busuttil, leader of the Nationalist Party in Malta, has announced 9 different proposals regarding the welfare of animals. During a television interview, Dr. Busuttil said that the proposals include “incentives for the welfare of animals and legislative proposals drafted together with animal organizations.” Busuttil also said that a Nationalist government will give yearly assistance to animal sanctuaries to improve conditions in animal shelters.

Dog Meat Sales Banned at Dog Meat Festival (National Geographic)

The infamous annual dog meat festival held in Yulin, China—the 10-day Lychee and Dog Meat Festival—has been banned from selling dog meat. Since it was founded in 2010, the festival has been condemned by Chinese and international animal advocates for slaughtering thousands of dogs each year. “The ban, reportedly spearheaded by Mo Gong Ming, Yulin’s newly appointed party secretary, will come into force on June 15, one week before the festival’s scheduled June 21 opening.”

Pet Separation Anxiety Affects Pets and Owners (Globe Newswire)

“More than half of pet owners say their pets’ anxieties about being left at home alone have affected them or their family members, causing some owners to take extreme measures, including changing or quitting jobs or transitioning to working from home to alleviate pet anxiety.” This is just one finding from a new study by pet tech company Pawbo Inc. based in Taipei, Taiwan.

Raw Meat Diet Could Harm Pets’ Health, Vets Warn (Radio New Zealand)

Raw meat diets have been gaining in popularity among pet owners in New Zealand, but some veterinarians are warning pet owners of the potential harmful effects these diets can have. “New Zealand Veterinary Association spokesperson Dr. Helen Beattie said vets were seeing more cases of animals suffering from nutrition deficiencies and obstructions from bones, which could even cause death.”

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