World News Roundup: September 22, 2017


This week in veterinary news around the world: the outlawed bloodsport of fox hunting is still causing havoc in one UK community, sleeping with your pets could spread E. coli along with other types of bacteria and fungi, and oriental eye infection could spread from mainland Europe to the UK.

First Centre for Animal Law Established in India (Times of India)

“The Nalsar University of Law inaugurated the country's first Centre for Animal Law in the city Friday wherein students can conduct research and advocate animal protection rights.” The Humane Society International/India will work with the university to steer research toward creating better laws to protect animals in the country. Environmentalists hope this will be the first of many institutions dedicated to research and advocating for animal protection.

How Uganda Monitors for Veterinary Drug Residue in Animal Feed (IAEA)

After recognizing the need for better capabilities for the inspection, monitoring, and testing of veterinary drugs, a researcher from the Uganda National Bureau of Standards suggested her institution ask for support. Now, a new project “supports data sharing among stakeholder institutions, and provides their staff with training in analytical method development and validation as well as in using instrumentation to analyze veterinary drug and pesticide residues.”

Fox Hunting Driving Residents Apart in UK Community (Independent)

“Despite the UK’s ban on fox hunting, residents in the Lake District say the bloodsport is alive and well—and wreaking havoc on the local community.” Although fox hunting was outlawed in 2004, hunters have gotten around regulations by claiming they were conducting “trail hunting,” which is legal. Residents of the community say the issue is making them feel trapped in their homes, or forced out of them, and many have also lost confidence in the police.

European Live Animal Trade Raises Major Welfare Concerns (BBC)

Those who handle transporting livestock on long journeys across Europe were found to routinely break European Union laws for the protection of animals in transit. “UK exports of live cattle, sheep, and pigs have tripled in value over the past 5 years, to more than 21 million euros in 2016, according to HM Revenue and Customs.” The main issues are enforcement of regulations, the level of official control, and the education of those involved in live animal transport.

Sleeping with Your Pet Could Spread E. coli (Asia One)

“A survey in March revealed that half of all British dog and cat lovers sleep with their pets in bed—despite the dangers this poses to their health.” An Inside Edition video studied 2 pet owners and their pets, and found that all their dogs tested positive for E. coli, as well as multiple other types of bacteria and fungi. “While [the pet owners] were visibly shocked, they maintained they would continue sleeping with their pets with greater precautionary measures.”

Oriental Eye Worm Infection Could Spread to UK (BBC)

Thelazia callipaeda, also called oriental eye worm, is caused by a parasitic worm that is becoming increasingly more common in mainland Europe, and could now spread to the UK. “There have been 3 recent canine cases reported in the UK, but the animals had been imported from abroad.” Pet owners are being warned to be on the lookout for signs of the infection in themselves and their pet if they have traveled to places where the disease was endemic.

"Care for Animals, Care for Life” Advertisements Appear in Yulin (Animals Asia)

“The city of Yulin, synonymous for many with the eating of cats and dogs, is this month home to a series of public ads advocating care for animals.” These ads are a part of a campaign to raise awareness of animal welfare in a city associated with cat and dog meat industries. According to the ad agency, “the advertisements will run at bus stops across Yulin city for the entire month of September.”

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