Michael Riegger, DVM, DABVP, is chief medical officer at Northwest Animal Clinic Hospital and Specialty Practice.
11 inexpensive ways to brighten a practice amid recession
Look at all the layoffs, even within the biggest and strongest companies.
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12 keys to a great business plan
Implement a plan now to help you three years from now - even in a recession.
9 steps to effective staff meetings, implementing change
Follow-through after meetings is a frustrating issue in many practices.
Calculating the annual cost of labor
A wake-up call might be in order when we study the profit-and-loss ledger for the year. What might look like a 25 percent labor cost is really 33 percent. A huge difference.
Calculating the real cost of labor in setting fees
"Oh, Doctor, how can we charge $18 for this service?"
Fee strategies to turn over the upsidedown
Is your practice upside down?
Set fees objectively, with simple algebra
Quicksand fees will sink a practice.
Don't fall into the complacency trap: Track the numbers
Complacency can kill relationships, skills, marriages, businesses, teams, countries and empires.
Defeating complacency: The practice killer
Complacency is a terrible disease.
Training humans to train pets
It has been said that 90 percent of all American families are dysfunctional - a major socioeconomic issue that permeates human domestic life.
True confession of a consultant
The time has come for a consultant to come clean.
Success often depends on how well we manage times of peak activity
It finally happened.
6 keys to setting gold standard in medical records
An audit of these evidence-based decisions is essential to consistently practice and deliver quality medical care.
Developing a vaccine strategy
Who would have guessed that the great debate of this decade would focus on vaccine protocols?
Develop and use a pain-score system for all your patients
Put the Pain Score into the record each time a patient comes in.
Skilled management will help lead a divided house
Most practices get the administrator duties completed by the members of the dedicated and sometimes overworked staff.
Leadership: Are you setting the pace?
Management by walking around is a concept put forward by Tom Peters in "In Search of Excellence."
Reading: It's a key to veterinary success
Reading is power.
Are your rabies ratios on target?
Necropsy is one of a clinician's best teachers; are we staying sharp?
Take six steps to grow services
The best-kept practice management secret is the rabies ratio.
Are you making the medical grade?
As the continuing education season is well under way, the time has come for another practical quiz.
Good medicine, good business. Need time? Schedule it
Nothing messes up a day like a steady string of interruptions.
Appointments can reclaim your quality of life
Only about 80 percent of time slots will be accomplished despite the best plans, but it's better than 20 percent without a plan.
Breathe life into your exam room protocol
Profitability and quality are not mutually exclusive, but they do go together.
Good Medicine, Good Practice: Follow-ups, personal evidence base keys to clinical success
We assume that data passed down from academia into the practitioner's environment is correct.
Good Medicine Good Business
Efficient workflow requires immediate attention, organization
How to get a raise in 18 steps
So you want a raise, a vacation, a smile; well, here is what the boss wants: good employees and team members.
Good Medicine, good business
Coddling is a new buzzing issue in human resource management and with good reason.
Good medicine, good business, "Written instructions crucial compliance step"
Clients cannot select, or reject, care unless it is clear of the healthcare goals for their pets.
Good medicine good business: 16 lessons learned from my doctor
Meeting the three standards, I was ready for euthanasia.