
Robert J. Washabau, VMD, PhD, DACVIM


Canine pancreatic disease: What's new in diagnosis and therapy? (Proceedings)

The initiating event of acute pancreatitis is the premature activation of digestive zymogens within the acinar cell. Premature activation of digestive zymogen results in acinar cell necrosis and pancreatic autodigestion.

Jessica Tremayne


NCSU harnesses new treatment for canine soft-tissue sarcoma

RALEIGH, N.C. - Hyperthermia combined with radiation treatment has received positive response in canines with macroscopic tumors in a clinical study at North Carolina State University (NCSU).

Joan Capuzzi, VMD


Veterinarian to Veterinarian®: Lovesick for dogs? Unfortunately, yes

By keeping dogs healthy and owners educated, veterinarians can block the spread of canine zoonoses to people

Lisa M. Browder


Is your message getting through?

A birthday wish in the mail is nice, but such kind gestures only work if you deliver a similar message in person.

Pam Jamieson


Wellness done well

Laminated educational review sheets for annual wellness exams engage clients and save paper. With National Pet Wellness Month around the corner, it's a great time to spice up your wellness exams.

Lisa Estrin BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (oncology)


Intensity modulated radiation therapy: The future is now (Proceedings)

Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is a method of 3-D conformal therapy using a computer controlled multi-leaf collimator.

Shawn Garrelts


The pet connection

Sharing my love for animals helped me reach out to a student struggling with a drug addiction.

Carl J. Lacher, CPA


What's a good way to show appreciation to clients who refer others? (Sponsored by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health)

A referral is one of the highest compliments an organization can receive and, as such, deserves recognition.

Sheila Higgs


Coming up with messages

We have a sign out front that we put messages and sayings on. But we struggle to come up with something to put on it. Any suggestions?

Camille DeClementi, VMD, DABT, DABVT


Don't sweat it! Toxicology cases that can be handled at home (Proceedings)

First, a word of caution.... Assess each individual situation carefully and remember that anything can be dangerous in the right quantity (even water). Also, consider health status of patient. Once you take all these into account, there are many exposures that you may be able to talk clients through managing at home.

Ashley Puderbaugh


6 ways to improve reminders

A++ clients make appointments the day they get your postcard, call, or e-mail. Here's how to help the others make the grade.

Lesley J. Smith, DVM, DACVA


Pain assessment in companion small animals (Proceedings)

The challenge of pain assessment in animals lies in the very concept of pain itself.

Brian Huss, DVM, MS, DACVS


A million-dollar growth spurt

It wasn't an easy transition-half of the team quit, but profits went up.

Nyssa J. Reine, DVM, DACVIM (small animal internal medicine)


Practical Matters: Urine cortisol:creatinine ratio-the most useful normal test around

Definitively diagnosing canine hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's disease) can be exceptionally difficult because nonadrenal illness can affect the test results. However, I think that the urine cortisol:creatinine ratio (UC:Cr) serves an invaluable role in ruling out canine Cushing's disease since a dog with a normal UC:Cr almost assuredly does not have Cushing's disease.

Mary Bowles, DVM, DACVIM


Identifying and treating 3 tick-borne diseases in dogs

Diagnosis of canine tick-related disease has been occurring with greater frequency, making knowledge of all tick-borne diseases increasingly important. This detailed overview of anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever will help you be prepared when these diseases make an appearance in your veterinary clinic.

Dale Kressin, DVM, FAVD, DAVDC


What are oronasal or oroantral fistulas?

Oronasal and oroantral fistulas are communications between the oral cavity and the respiratory tract.

Michael P. Jones, DVM, Dipl. ABVP


Avian medicine: Instill a perioperative protocol to lessen anesthetic, iatrogenic risks

Anesthetic death is an unfortunate and unwelcome aspect of veterinary practice. Most, if not all, veterinarians have experienced the loss of a patient perioperatively. Especially unsettling is the death of a bird during the postoperative period when the patient is expected to make a complete recovery.

Tess Kommedal, DVM


Why do we have respiratory disease in our shelter cats and what can we do to control it? (Proceedings)

Feline upper respiratory infection (URI) is a disease complex born in large parts from stress and crowding. I would dare say that URI is perhaps the most frustrating illness facing shelter veterinarians, managers and staff in that many cats are chronically infected, vaccines are partially effective at best, and specific treatments are limited.

Ian Morrison


The secrets to fighting big pharmacies

It was my job to sell pet owners on 1-800-PetMeds. But, the truth is, you're holding the best cards in this game. Just spotlight your strengths: service and value.

Ronald E. Whiteford, DVM


A solution for decreased feline visits

My blueprint for feline client compliance-spur traffic into your veterinary hospital one adoption at a time

Claudia Nett-Mettler, Dr. MED. VET., DACVD, DECVD


Topical triamcinolone and allergic dermatitis: A case study

Triamcinolone topical solution is an effective and safe alternative to systemically administered corticosteroids.

Brenda Tassava, CVPM, CVJ


Dreaming up the perfect app for your veterinary practice

Check out the 9 things your hospital's mobile app should do.

John Steiner, DVM


Embryo transfer — For best results, donor, recipients and stallions should be at same location and managed by same veterinarian

Using reproductively normal donor mares and stallions of known, good fertility, an embryo can be recovered approximately 70 percent of the time.

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