
Sarah M. Puchalski, DVM, DACVR


Digital radiography equipment: Exploring your options

One of the first steps in switching to digital radiography is deciding what type of system to purchase.

Philip A. Bushby, DVM, DACVS


Feline Sterilization at 5 months accepted as new normal

Studies show that conventional wisdom has evolved with research.

Robert L. Bill, DVM, MS, PhD


CVC Highlights: Optimizing antimicrobial therapy

To reduce the potential for developing bacterial resistance, it is important to follow treatment guidelines that help ensure elimination of the microbial population.

Lori Corriveau, DVM


Video: The latest trend in exotic pets

Look no further than a backyard for a few of the most popular exotic pets these days.

John W. Tyler, DVM, DACVIM


Safe endoscopic removal of a sharp-edged foreign body from a dog's stomach

An 11-year-old spayed female dachshund was referred for evaluation of an acute onset of rear limb paresis.

Carolyn Heinze


Rein in overactive horse owners

Apply these five strategies to make the most of your relationship with horse owners who think they know it all.

Carol Taylor, CPA/FPS


Consider these factors when deciding whether to buy or lease equipment

Q. I'm shopping for a new radiograph machine. Which offers greater tax advantages, buying or leasing?

Craig Thompson, DVM, DACVP


Beyond the numbers: Things your CBC machine won't tell you, but you need to know (Proceedings)

In the diagnostic work up of any case, one of the most frequently used tests is the complete blood count (CBC).

Rebecca L. Remillard, PhD, DVM, DACVN


Out-of-the-blue diet and nutrition queries: Pick your battles carefully

Unsure of the best way to counsel your client on nutrition? Simplify the conversation with these three questions.

Kristi W. Busby, DVM


Boomer's big break

A stray dog in a small Alabama town found a home and a calling visiting nursing homes with a young veterinarian.

John Moriarty


Nature influences plan

In 1995, Dr. Anne Scholl-Mealey opened Chickasaw Trail Animal Hospital in a mall in Orlando, Fla. Six years later, she chose the 1.4-acre lot across the street to accommodate the practice's growth. "We designed our new facility around the oak trees that tower over the site," says Dr. Scholl. "The oaks form a canopy over the driveway, parking lots, and the building."

James E. Guenther, DVM, MBA, MHA, CVPM, AVA


Step up the game in your equine practice

Use these tips from Dr. James Guenther to make sure you're measuring up in your equine practice.

Jane E. Brunt, DVM


Cat got your tongue? 4 tips to talk to cat owners

Confess: Do you stand behind the veterinary exam table and blah, blah, blah, hairball, blah, blah blah, litter box" at clients? Jane Brunt, DVM, CATalyst Council Executive Director, offers the purrfect words to connect with cat owners. (P.S. There are kittens here. Playing. Its really cute, we promise.)

Mark Terry


Rent or own?

For most doctors, owning the facility offers the most benefits. Yet there are circumstances when renting may be smarter, especially if you're starting from scratch. Consider these issues to decide what's right for you.

Tami Shearer, DVM


Creative weight loss techniques using environmental enrichment (Proceedings)

We are reminded daily of the obesity problems facing Americans and we see how these issues are mirrored by the percentage of pets that are overweight.

Matthew M. Keats, DVM, DACVS


How to perform an anal sacculectomy

Dr. Matthew Keats provides a step-by-step demonstration of this procedure.

Liz Nartowicz


How to handle weird client requests

Don't dismiss clients' requests-no matter how absurd they may be.

Sally Hickey


Hook price shoppers

Don't let that next phone call be the client who got away. Use these tips from Sally Hickey, a receptionist at Short Pump Animal Hospital in Richmond, Va.

Pierre Bichsel, DVM, Dipl. ECVN, Dipl. ACVIM (neurology)


What do we know about bromism in dogs?

Bromide is considered an effective anticonvulsant drug for treating primary epilepsy in dogs.

Donald Henry, DVM, MBA


I survived: Managing a veterinary practice merger

We experienced headaches, setbacks, and eventually practice success.

Mark Cousins, DVM, DABVP (feline)


The zen of cats: Maximizing the feline portion of your practice (Proceedings)

The premise of this presentation is that feline medicine is good business. The keys to tapping into this market are several: understanding the significance of the feline market in your practice today and its future potential, understanding the psyche of the feline client and recognizing the different psychographic profile of cat vs. dog owners, using preventative medicine, specifically feline total parasite control, as a tool to practice better feline medicine, and, ultimately, realizing an increased feline average per client charge by practicing a higher quality feline medicine.

Leslie A. Mamalis, MBA, MSIT


Sample script: Sticky payment scenario

Follow these talking points when a client's pet insurance is denied.

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