
Randy Spencer, DVM


Check-in and check-out all in the pet care suite

Can you really do away with the reception area? This veterinarian says yes.

Joey Burt, DVM, MPH (HSA)


Good business is good medicine

Veterinary medicine is my business. And business is good.

Andrea M. Caniglia, VMD, DACVAA


Sweep in and save the day in your surgical suite

Vanquish the 3 most common pain management mistakes made in veterinary patients undergoing surgery.

Nanette Lorton, LVT


Letter to dvm360: Texas doesnt need another veterinary school

Graduates are already having a hard time finding well-paying jobs.

Julie Dahlke, DVM


Letter to dvm360: Thanks, Dr. Becker, for shedding light on depression

Medications are necessary for both physical and mental illnesses.

Kara Amstutz, DVM, CCRT, CVPP


Client handout: Exercise crucial to pain-free cats

Pass on this handout to help your feline veterinary patients lose a little weight and feel a lot better.

Clarke Atkins, DVM, DACVIM (cardiology)


Heartworm prevention: "Oops, I missed a dose!"

It happens. It happens a lot. Here are your best practices when a lapse in heartworm preventive delivery occurs.

Matthew Miller, DVM, MS, DACVIM (cardiology)


Pericardial disease: The forgotten cardiac malady

Unlocking insights into diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in small animal cardiology

Robert R. Hase, Jr., DVM


5 strange facts about parasites

Dispel veterinary clients misconceptions about parasites with this knowledge.

Stephanie Brand, DVM


5 steps to lock in a lifetime of care

It's easy to ooh and ahh over adorable new puppies and kittens. But it's also important to prepare pet owners to meet their little fuzzball's future healthcare needs.

Brandon Hess, CVPM, CCFP


Make sure your veterinary practice website rocks

Practice management specialist shares what aspects of your website clients find the most interesting and how to increase your traffic.

W. Byron Garrity Jr., DVM


Letter to dvm360: Veterinary debt comparison to general population misleading

If comparison was drawn to doctors or lawyers, numbers would be more shocking.

Emily Spence


Quick tip: Use a nifty nabber to grab that urine sample

This handy tool helps out with short or skittish patients.

Brian Stewart, DVM


"I've heard about canine influenza. Should I vaccinate my dog?"

Here's help to answer veterinary clients' questions about canine influenza.Getty ImagesThe facts

Lisa Viesselmann, DVM


Thymoma in an 11-year-old dog: Clinical pathology perspective

Dr. Lisa Viesselmann provides the clinical pathology perspective on this thymoma case.

Christian Latimer, DVM


Thymoma in an 11-year-old dog: Surgery perspective

Dr. Christian Latimer provides the surgery perspective on this thymoma case.

Emily Manor, DVM


A splenic mast cell tumor in an 11-year old Siamese cat: Medical oncology perspective

Dr. Emily Manor provides the medical oncology perspective on this challenging oncology case.

Lani Bower, DVM


Insulinoma in a senior pit bull: Anatomic pathology perspective

Dr. Lani Bower provides the anatomic pathology perspective on this challenging veterinary oncology case.

Lauren Adelman, DVM


Insulinoma in a senior pit bull: Medical perspective

Dr. Lauren Adelman provides the medical perspective on this challenging veterinary oncology case.

Federica Morandi, DMV, MS, DECVDI, DACVR


Insulinoma in a senior pit bull: Radiology perspective

Dr. Federica Morandi provides the radiology perspective on this challenging veterinary oncology case.

Meghan E. Burns, DVM


Whats new in canine lymphoma

Everyday helpful information, whether you treat or refer your canine lymphoma cases.

Michael Watts, DVM


Practice ownership is not a cage

You can make time for life and family and hobbies and healthy priorities and healthy boundaries as a practice owner. Let your team help.

Daniela Bedenice, DVM, DACVIM, DACVECC


Evidence based antimicrobial use in camelids (Proceedings)

Bacterial infections requiring extended antimicrobial therapy (such as pneumonia, peritonitis, sepsis, uterine and dental infection) are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in camelids.

Philip Kelch, DVM


Letter to dvm360: Veterinarian not to blame for rising costs of care

Increasing hard costs and restrictions on income have driven up veterinary prices.

Abigail Fishaw, LVT


Dancing around online veterinary diagnosis: Difficulties in the digital age

It doesnt matter how close you were in high school. Its better not to say anything remotely definitive when you get a what is this? Facebook message about a friends pet.

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