
Melissa Tompkins, BS, CVPM


6 things I didn't learn in school about being a practice manager

Schooling and book learning didn't prepare me for the emotional, communication and management headaches that come with the harried job of the veterinary hospital manager. Come sympathize with my agonies-or, better yet, learn faster than I did.

Stephen D. White, DVM, DACVD


Dermatology disasters: serious or difficult-to-diagnose skin diseases (Proceedings)

Ischemic dermatoses fall into three categories: dermatomyositis, vaccine- and drug- caused cases, and idiopathic. Dermatomyositis has been reported primarily in collies and Shetland sheepdogs and their crosses, although other breeds have a sporadic incidence of this disease.

Veronica Hanley


How I went from receptionist to practice owner

I had the passion for animals, the smarts to manage, and the education and business savvy to own. So I bought a hospital. You can too.

Julia K. Whittington, DVM


Hyper procyonids and other exam room oddities

3 strange visitors to an exotics doc's exam room

Dean Scott, DVM


Handout: Veterinary wellness care saves money

Here are 14 free or relatively inexpensive paths to a happier, healthier pet, courtesy of a long-time veterinarian who knows what he's talking about. Print it for your own clients.

Lilian Cornejo, DVM, DACVIM


Common toxicities in cats (Proceedings)

Decontamination of patients with ingested toxins is achieved by emesis induction or gastric lavage, followed by administration of charcoal (adsorbs toxins enabling their excretion from the GI tract). Cathartics may be added to activated charcoal to hasten elimination.

Heather Blount, CVPM


Funk up your next meeting with a food truck

If your veterinary team needs brain food for some tough in-house CE or big brainstorming session, try going beyond the traditional pizza and sandwiches.

Jessica Manning, CVPM


I was a 23-year-old veterinary practice manager

This Practice Manager of the Year nominee shares her experience overseeing older, more experienced team members.

Robert G. Sherding, DVM, DACVIM


Dysbiosis and the emerging role of intestinal microbiota in chronic enteropathies (Proceedings)

Molecular studies have determined that the intestines of dogs and cats harbor a complex population of commensal bacteria, referred to as the microbiota. Depending on its composition, the microbiota can be beneficial or harmful to the host.

John Maddigan, DVM


Letter to dvm360: We must solve our economic problems before the market does it for us

Practice owners, veterinary schools must make choices that serve the future health of veterinary medicine.

Linda Light, DVM


Letter to dvm360: A midlevel veterinary professional? The time has not come

Copying human medicine hasn't always worked well for the veterinary profession.

Lisa Aumiller, DVM


So you want to start a mobile veterinary practice

Use these six tips to make a mobile work lifestyle work for you.

Wesley Taylor


The most effective leaders are young, green and right under your nose

Despite our leadership-obsessed culture, are you looking in the right places to find the next big thing in your veterinary practice? Here's how one practice manager coaxed leadership qualities out of his staff.

Urs Giger, DVM, DACVIM & DECVIM-CA (internal medicine), DECVCP (clinical pathology)


Controversies in managing IMHA (Proceedings)

The diagnostic challenges of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) were covered in a previous presentation. The controversies in managing IMHA are being discussed in this lecture and illustrated by case presentations.

Jennifer Inbody, CVPM, PHR


Where have all the clients gone?

Here that? It's silence in your veterinary reception area. And it's one of the worst sounds in the world. Here's how one team uses wellness plans to bring life back to their practice.

Katie Hill, CVT, CVPM


A recipe for affordable team incentives

Consider these sweet (and affordable) incentives to appreciate your veterinary team. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too!

Cheryl Sanchez, MBA


8 steps to bark back at bullies before they bite your team

A bully on your veterinary team may start with a little growling and nipping, but you need to bark back before they ravage your teams culture and ruin more than just the workday.

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