Market Trends
APPA says pet spending is up, predicts big jump in veterinary care
June 1st 2011National Report - While repots within the veterinary profession are signaling an alarm that visits are down, a new poll from the American Pet Products Association indicates that 16 percent of dog owners and 13 percent of cat owners say their pets' health takes as much priority as their own.
Wild-horse roundup necessary, but not enough, officials say
May 1st 2011National Report - While the Bureau of Land Management is going to increase attempts at using birth control to keep wild-horse populations in check this year, an internal report reveals that much more is needed to make the program sustainable.
Adoptions up for cats, but flat for dogs over the last year
February 1st 2011National Report - The number of dogs adopted from animal welfare organizations was flat over the last year, but cat adoptions increased 3 percent, according to recent figures from Pet Point, an animal management software ompany.