AVMAs updated feral and free-roaming cats policy comes with emphasis on collaboration
As no consensus was reached after two years of discussion between groups on how to humanely reduce the populations of these cats, AVMA encourages more research.
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 1A
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 3A
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 4B
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 1C
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 4D
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 4C
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 3E
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 3B
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 3C
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 2A
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 4A
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 1D
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 1B
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 2E
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 2B
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 2C
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 1E
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 4E
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 2D
ClinQuiz: LDDS - Answer 3D
Surgery STAT: Common complications after intra-articular injections in horses
Three concerns to be on the look out for in your veterinary patients and how to treat them.
3 hospital design trends you can't miss
The future is calling! Will you answers? Decide after diving into insights from years Veterinary Economics Hospital Design Competition judging.
What to do when the clinic's being sold
Hard questions smart associates ask themselves when ownership is changing hands.
WHO recommends no changes to ketamine classification
Committee says drug poses no global public health threat worth possibly limiting access to the drug in areas of the developing world.
The biggest news of 2015
Here's a glance at the top veterinary news stories on in 2015.
We mean business: Top 10 stories of 2015
Were rounding up the hottest market trends and industry issues of 2015 so you can kick off this year informed and empowered.
Diagnosing feline small bowel disease: Do noninvasive tests make the cut?
Study finds that clinicopathologic testing is useful, full thickness biopsy samples may be preferred because many cats studied had segmental disease.
Go one step beyond in veterinary dental care
Several tools are at your fingertips to take your dental care protocol further than ever before.
Peeking inside dogs brains and finding love
Dr. Gregory Berns, a professor of neuroeconomics at Emory University, uses MRI scans to learn how the dogs mind works.