Reproductive problems in the cow herd: trichomoniasis, BVD, and others (Proceedings)
August 1st 2011Optimizing reproductive success in cow-calf herds relies on combining appropriate immunization and biosecurity practices with the current production system management techniques in the herd. The goal of the immunization program is to match herd immunity to the risks faced.
Antimicrobial resistance in food animals-are we encountering untreatable diseases? (Proceedings)
August 1st 2011The short answer is "no" when we look for widespread, peer-reviewed evidence of untreatable infectious disease in food animals due to a microbial pathogen. However, there are some trends which bear watching. The evaluation of "untreatable disease" involves several inputs.
Who is the veterinary hospice care team (Proceedings)
August 1st 2011In many ways veterinary hospice takes its lead in delivering end of life and palliative care from the human hospice model. After several decades of delivering this type of care, our colleagues in human medicine found the best way of helping terminal people live their lives to the fullest is by providing care, comfort and medical expertise through a team approach.
How much does it take? Antimicrobials and dosing strategies in food animals (Proceedings)
August 1st 2011There are well thought out and clinically confirmed label regimens for label indications. For example, the antimicrobials labeled for individual animal treatment of respiratory disease in cattle and swine have label regimens which most likely give you the majority of the clinical results you will get.
Using milk pasteurizers for feeding dairy calves (Proceedings)
August 1st 2011With the expansion of the size of individual dairy farms feeding waste milk from treated cows to bottle calves has become more common. Waste milk has the potential to have approximately 30% fat and 25-27% protein on a dry matter basis and therefore has the potential to provide a higher plane of nutrition than traditional 20% protein, 20% fat milk replacers.
High blood pressure in cats: the silent killer (Proceedings)
August 1st 2011The time to diagnose high blood pressure is before damage is done. Retinal hemorrhages and detachment can be avoided in a well-managed feline patient. I recommend that Doppler ultrasonic blood pressure measurements begin in all patients at an early age as part of their health care program.
Pneumonia in adult dairy cattle (Proceedings)
August 1st 2011Respiratory disease continues to present challenges in the dairy industry in the 21st century. Traditionally, veterinary curricula have emphasized an etiologic approach to the subject and veterinary practitioners are very familiar with the well documented and heavily researched infectious causes such as bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida and Mycoplasma spp.
Gerhardt Schurig selected to lead Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
July 26th 2011Washington -- The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) came under new leadership July 18 at its summer meeting when Dr. Gerhardt Schurig, dean of the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, assumed the presidency.