BVD testing: What's happening in the herd-acute, chronic, transient or PI? (Proceedings)
August 1st 2008When I report back to a cattle owner that his animal is "BVD positive," before I can even begin to explain what that means, I am all to often asked "what is BDD, BV . . . what?" since I am usually talking to the rancher about a normal calf , not an obviously sick animal.
Protein-losing enteropathies (Proceedings)
August 1st 2008The protein-losing enteropathies (PLE) comprise a collection of intestinal, usually small intestinal, diseases typically associated with weight loss, hypoproteinemia caused by hypoalbuminemia or panhypoproteinemia, and variable signs of vomiting and diarrhea.
Urethral obstruction in cats: Catheters and complications (Proceedings)
August 1st 2008The most common causes of voiding disorders in cats include: obstruction with urethral plug, urolith, or blood clot; urethrospasm resulting in functional obstruction (usually post blockage); bladder dysfunction (detrusor atony) following blockage; and neurologic lesions leading to detrusor atony.