3 things to remember during emotionally charged conversations
Bash Halow, LVT, CVPM, lists the 3 most important things to keep in mind during emotional conversations with clients
Managing diabetic ketoacidosis
Karen Roach, RVT, VTS (ECC), discusses her education session about diabetic ketoacidosis, presented at the 2024 Fetch Coastal conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Essentials for raising a puppy
This lecture at the dvm360 Fetch Coastal conference will help veterinarians better equip owners of young dogs with strategies for adequate socialization
The 4 stages of heart disease
Christopher G. Byers, DVM, DACVECC, DACVIM (SAIM), CVJ, provides an overview of the 4 current classifications of heart disease
Educating pet owners on animal communication
Natalie Marks, DVM, CVJ, CCFP, Elite FFCP-V, explains how educating pet parents on recognizing stress signs and body language in their pets fosters better patient care
The importance of multimodal analgesics in feline pain
Kelly Foltz, CVT, LVT, RVT, VTS (ECC), explains why it's important to have a multimodal approach to analgesics in the management of feline pain
Hoof wall injuries
Daniel J. Burba, DVM, DACVS, outlines his typical approach to equine foot injuries
Emotional conversations in the clinic
Bash Halow, LVT, CVPM, previews his upcoming session at the Fetch Coastal dvm360 Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey
Obstructive vs restrictive breathing patterns
Christopher G. Byers, DVM, DACVECC, DACVIM (SAIM), CVJ, explains the difference between obstructive and restrictive breathing patterns
Tips for managing conjunctivitis
Rachel Allbaugh, DVM, MS, DACVO, explains her approach to managing conjunctivitis in dogs
A veterinarian reflects on Fetch
Renee Schmid, DVM, DABT, DABVT shared what her favorite things about Fetch are
Introducing dvm360 and Chewy Health’s October Innovator of the Month: Technician Alexandre Contreras, Founder of PetTrio
How one veterinary technician is empowering communities through innovation and philanthropy
eDKA and other adverse effects to SGLT2 inhibitors
Christopher G. Byers, DVM, DACVECC, DACVIM (SAIM), CVJ, discusses common adverse effects of SGLT2 inhibitors and clinical signs of eDKA
Equine skin grafting best practices
Daniel J. Burba, DVM, DACVS, explained the basics of equine skin grafting in a session during the 2024 Southwest Veterinary Symposium, and in an interview with dvm360
Methods for gastrointestinal decontamination
The first 2 methods to start with, plus the mechanics of activated charcoal as a decontaminant
Non-healing corneal ulcers
Rachel Allbaugh, DVM, MS, DACVO, shares her approach to diagnosing and treating non-healing corneal ulcers, a common reason for consultation calls
Benefits of using locoregional analgesia
Gianluca Bini, DVM, MRCVS, DACVAA, discusses the primary benefits of locoregional analgesia when compared to using systemic analgesia
The unique avian respiratory system
Lauren Thielen, DVM, DABVP (Avian Practice), talks about the avian respiratory system, including what makes birds susceptible to respiratory infections
How emotional care can improve emergency outcomes in patients
Natalie Marks, DVM, CVJ, CCFP, Elite FFCP-V discusses how poor consideration of patients’ emotional wellbeing can have negative consequences
Oxidative stress and EPO synthesis in CKD patients
Christopher G. Byers, DVM, DACVECC, DACVIM (SAIM), CVJ, explains the effects of oxidative stress on tubular cells and how EPO synthesis leads to non-regenerative anemia in CKD patients
Dealing with logbook discrepancies
Once a veterinary professional discovers an error in their logbook, what happens next?
Proper catheterization: Size, duration, and patient physiology
Many veterinary professionals regularly place catheters, but are they doing it right?
The reality of medical errors
Theresa Cosper-Roberts, RVT, CVPM, ACE(DE), CVBL, talks about medical errors in the veterinary profession
Managing medications prior to anesthesia
Gianluca Bini, DVM, MRCVS, DACVAA, discusses the importance of monitoring medications patients are taking before going under anesthesia to determine if it is safe or not.
Caring for patients with cardiac conditions
CE sessions being presented at the Southwest Veterinary Symposium are addressing ECGs, veterinary technician care and other topics in cardiology
Gastrointestinal decontamination misconceptions
Myths surrounding GI decontamination, and what the truth really is
Takeaways on avian respiratory diseases
Lauren Thielen, DVM, DiplABVP (Avian Practice) offers a preview of her upcoming lecture at the Southwest Veterinary Symposium in Fort Worth, Texas
Factors that can impede wound healing in patients
Natalie Marks, DVM, CVJ, CCFP, Elite FFCP-V, discusses how stress and comorbidities may impact wound healing, as well as factors to consider when deciding on the type of surgical closure
Managing feline diabetes mellitus with SGLT2i
Christopher G. Byers, DVM, DACVECC, DACVIM (SAIM), CVJ, explains how Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors are used to manage diabetes mellitus in cats
How age and breed affect toxin exposure
Renee Schmid, DVM, DABT, DABVT, talks about common toxins for older pets, as well as how breed impacts exposure