Read and answer questions online for free CE credit on the use of antimicrobials in the treatment of oropharyngeal inflammation, bacterial pneumonia, resistant pyoderma and otitis, and difficult urinary tract infections.
Earn 2 hours of RACE-approved CE credit.
Presented by Jan Bellows, Leah A. Cohn,
Randall C. Thomas, and Jodi L. Westropp
Real Cases, Real Medicine:
Antimicrobial Therapy in the Real World
• Oropharyngeal inflammation:
Understanding this enigmatic condition
• Successful treatment of bacterial pneumonia
Leah A. Cohn, DVM, PhDd, DACVIM
• Challenges in dermatology: Resistant pyoderma and otitis
Randall C. Thomas, DVM, DACVD
• Managing difficult urinary tract infections
Jodi L. Westropp, DVM, PhD, DACVIM