Brian Conrad tells Firstline Live attendees how you can make clients happy-even when they're wrong.
Tip 1: The customer is always right.
This philosophy is not new. And it's not correct. Customers, including your veterinary clients, are not always right. Now, here's what's new: Your goal is to make them feel like they're always right, said Brian Conrad during his Firstline Live presentation “Team Meetings Confessional: Start Talking Together,” which was held today in conjunction with the CVC in Kansas City. Whether that be offering an alternative solution, apologizing, or just listening, you must ensure customers leave your practice happy, regardless of any problems (real or imagined) they encounter along the way.
Tip 2: Work to achieve customer intimacy.
In other words, make each of your clients feel special every time they interact with your practice, Conrad says. The Firstline Live attendees came up with a few phrases that describe what constitutes “special” service: Take time with each client, give each client individual attention, be friendly, follow through, and go the extra mile.
Tip 3: Clients' perception is your reality.
If pet owners think they're waiting too long, they'll be upset. They may not realize that the technician is in the back cutting every one of the prednisone pills in half with a razor. But consider this: clients don't mind waiting as long as they think you're focused on them. So change their perception and let them know how you're working for them. And if their perception still doesn't change, then your practice needs to do something different.
Tip 4: Know your competitors.
We're not talking about the practice down the street. We're talking about every business your clients can compare you to. That's any business that serves customers, Conrad says. If a pet owner gets her hair cut a couple hours before bringing her pet to your practice, how will your customer service compare to what she just experienced in the salon?
Conrad summed up all these tips by saying that your team will never offer excellent client service unless it's made a focus. This means talking about how you serve clients for at least 10 or 15 minutes at every one of your team meetings. Need help making those meetings worthwhile? Register for Firstline Live with Brian Conrad on Oct. 27 at the CVC in San Diego.