6 double-duty resolutions


A new year full of possibilities and promises. Start it off right by adopting these stand-by New Year's resolutions that apply to both your personal and work life.

Be healthy

Just like calorie-laden junk food, gossiping and grumbling only weigh you down. Instead, feed your soul with positive thoughts and exercise your mind by reassessing your professional goals and setting deadlines to meet them.

Land a better job

If your career isn't challenging, rewarding, or well paid, use the new year as an impetus to re-evaluate your career goals. Now's the time to go after that promotion-or new position-you've been coveting.

Reduce stress

Are you rushing into work late, out of breath, and not ready to face the day? Resolve to set your alarm 10 minutes earlier. If you can't keep atop your workload, isolate tasks that slow you down and brainstorm ways to work more efficiently.

Get educated

Knowledge is power. Take control of your career by signing up for a CE course or convention you've been hoping to attend. Remember, a little effort on your part can lead to big rewards both mentally and monetarily.

Help others

Sometimes charity begins at the workplace. Offer your expertise to a team member in need of guidance or just a listening ear. You'll end up helping your colleague, the practice, and yourself.

Stay organized

Keeping things in order ensures that you're working smarter, faster, and happier. Start the cleanup with your personal space. Then, with permission, branch out by tossing ancient provisions from the break room, reorganizing the storage room, and so on.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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