AAEP sets attendance record, names first female president


Orlando, Fla. - The 53rd Annual Conventionof the American Association of Equine Practitioners set two records: one for attendance and another for naming of the organization's first female president.

Held Dec. 1-5 in Orlando, the conferenceattracted approximately 7,238 attendees- 3,639 veterinarians, students and veterinary technicians. This beat AAEP's previous attendance record, set in 2006 in San Antonio, by almost 300 people.

Along with the installation of AAEP's new officers and board members, Dr. Eleanor Green was named president.

Green, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM, Dipl. ABVP, is professor and chair of the Department of Large Animal Sciences at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine.

"Dr. Green brings many terrific qualitiesto the AAEP presidency - enthusiasm,an unmatched work ethic and, most importantly, the desire to do what is best for the horse," says David Foley, AAEP executivedirector.

Dr. Dean Richardson, "Ophthalmology:Survival Methods for Practitioners," a lameness and imaging presentation by Drs. Sue Dyson and Kent Allen were popular among attenees, says Sally Baker, AAEP director of public relations.

Next year? San Diego. dvm

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