Art auction to fund special procedures for Miami shelter animals


Miami Fla. - A Miami veterinary specialty hospital and artist Darek Pala are auctioning 10 of Pala's paintings to raise funds to help four Miami area pet shelters provide care for animals that need advanced specialty procedures.

Miami, Fla.

- A Miami veterinary specialty hospital and artist Darek Pala are auctioning 10 of Pala's paintings to raise funds to help four Miami area pet shelters provide care for animals that need advanced specialty procedures.

Pala, whose works have been exhibited in solo shows in the United States and Europe, is working with Miami Veterinary Specialists to auction 10 one-of-a-kind oils on canvas he produced for "Karmela's Fund," which will help the hospital cover the special procedures, according to veterinary surgeon Juan Sardinas, DVM, Dipl. ACVS, ECVS. The fund's title refers to a three-legged dog that Pala adopted and named Karmela.

The paintings may be viewed online at Click the "about us" tab on the home page and choose Karmela's Fund. Or the works may be viewed in person at Miami Veterinary Specialists, 8601 Sunset Dr., Miami.

Bids for each work start at $1,000 and the auction continues through Aug. 15.

To bid by phone, call the hospital at (305) 665-2820. To donate to the fund, contact Sardinas at the same number.

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