The ASPCA showed their support in federal legislation that would permanently ban horse slaughter in the US
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On May 26, 2022, the US House Subcommittee held a legislative hearing and on the agenda were 2 critical equine protection bills. The first, Save America's Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act, is federal legislation that would permanently ban horse slaughter in the United States and end the export of American horses for slaughter abroad.1 The second, Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act, would end the cruel practice of horse soring where chemicals and devices are used to inflict pain on show horses to force an exaggerated, high-stepping gait often referred to as the “Big Lick.”1
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) stood before the Subcommittee and testified in support of these bills.
Katie Kraska, director of federal legislation for the ASPCA stated, “Congress voted to ban horse slaughter well over a decade ago by large bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate and acted more than four decades ago to end the cruel practice of horse soring, but legal loopholes have allowed American equines to be exported to other countries for slaughter, and horse soring to persist largely due to industry self-policing.”1
Despite efforts that have blocked the operation of horse slaughterhouses in the US since 2007, tens of thousands of American horses continue to be shipped to Canadian and Mexican slaughterhouses that supply other countries with horsemeat.1
The ASPCA believes there are other options for horses in need, rather than facing a slaughterhouse or exportation. The equine industry and horse shelters are currently working together to increase adoptions and provide safety net programs to help keep horses in homes.
In addition to overwhelming public opposition to horse slaughter, the ASPCA, along with a diverse coalition of equine industry and animal welfare organizations, recently announced,1 the “Final Stretch Alliance to End Horse Slaughter,” a collaborative effort to permanently ban the slaughter of American horses. In an open letter to congressional leaders, the alliance urged federal lawmakers to pass the SAFE Act to ban horse slaughter without the allowance of any loopholes.
ASPCA testifies before U.S. House Subcommittee in support of federal legislation to ban horse slaughter. News release. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. May 26, 2022. Accessed May 26, 2022.