The Iams Co. introduces Eukanuba Healthy Extras, dog biscuits featuring the nutritional benefits of Eukanuba dog food.
The Iams Co. introduces Eukanuba Healthy Extras, dog biscuits featuringthe nutritional benefits of Eukanuba dog food. The biscuits are availablein five lifestage formulas, featuring nutrition to meet each stage's need.Puppy biscuits feature vitamins and minerals for dogs 1 to 12 months ofage. The adult maintenance biscuits are for normally active dogs, the companysays. The adult large breed biscuits support healthy joint cartilage indogs more than 50 pounds while the adult reduced-fat biscuits are lowerin calories for overweight or inactive dogs, the company says. The seniorbiscuits feature nutrition for dogs age 5-7 and older.
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