Dental Scaler


Burns Veterinary Supply, Inc., is pleased to announce the addition of the new Vetsonics "Pet Piezo" Ultrasonic Scaler.

Burns Veterinary Supply, Inc., is pleased to announce the addition ofthe new Vetsonics "Pet Piezo" Ultrasonic Scaler. This ultrasonicsystem is designed to enhance the needs of small animal dentistry and includescomplete endodontic capabilities.

The Pet Piezo uses the KLAW® veterinary ultrasonic tips designed specificallywith small animals in mind, the company says. The precision KLAW tips arethe only state-of-the-art periodontal ultrasonic debridement tips availablethat provide veterinarians and technicians with scaling tips that will effectivelyperform PerioBUD and leave the healthiest teeth and periodontal tissuesin veterinary dental patients, the company says.

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