Utilize your computer software to set up reminders a month in advance to remind you to prepare for employee evaluations.
o Some systems have a follow-up prompt in which you can be reminded by a follow-up prompt versus having to print a reminder.
o Follow-up prompts are similar to a tickler system to help you stay on top of periodic and random dated assignments.
o It is not recommended that healthcare team members perform evaluations on each other.
o Management should conduct performance evaluations. Gathering feedback from ownership, associates and team leaders, if applicable, is a recommended practice.
o Create a positive environment and help the employee feel at ease
o Give balanced feedback, both positive and areas of improvement, but start with the positive
o Focus on the job, not the person
o Ask questions and allow the employee to provide feedback
o When discussing areas for improvement, discuss methods and objectives for improving
o Discuss possibilities for advancement, the employee's aspirations, and professional development necessary to be a candidate for such future positions (See Professional Development section)
o Summarize and review the important points of the discussion
o Re-state the action steps that have been recommended and provide a time frame for completion
o Make sure employee reviews the appraisal and provides comments
o Have employee sign it to acknowledge that he or she has read it (does not signify agreement with the content)
o Follow-up with the employee to see how plans are proceeding within the given time frames
o Offer the employee assistance in achieving objectives and encourage discussion of successes and obstacles
Sample employee performance agreement
Employee Performance Agreement Review