Dust Evaluation Program


Loveland Industries is helping poultry, swine and other livestock producers take a closer look at their barnyard dust with its "Key Customer Dust Evaluation Program.

Loveland Industries is helping poultry, swine and other livestock producerstake a closer look at their barnyard dust with its "Key Customer DustEvaluation Program." The program evaluates the non-designated bacteriaload on farms and tailors site-specific disinfectant programs. In swineoperations, dust collection focuses on farrowing, nursery and confinementareas. In other livestock facilities, dust is collected from side rails,feeder and water equipment, and long building cracks and crevices, thenanalyzed in a laboratory, the company says. Cleaning with disinfectants,specifically formulated to control farm pathogens, is essential to reducingthe disease challenges that animal environments present, the company says.Steps to prevent recontamination are then implemented to keep disease organismsat the lowest possible level.

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