Fort Dodge gains approval for Duramune Adult


Fort Dodge Animal Health received approval of Duramune Adult, the first USDA-licensed vaccine with three-year virus challenge data against a trio of deadly canine diseases; canine parvo (CPV), canine distemper (CDV) and canine adenovirus (CAV). The new vaccine will be available in the second quarter of 2004.

Fort Dodge Animal Health received approval of Duramune Adult, the first USDA-licensed vaccine with three-year virus challenge data against a trio of deadly canine diseases; canine parvo (CPV), canine distemper (CDV) and canine adenovirus (CAV).The new vaccine will be available in the second quarter of 2004. Another Fort Dodge first, Duramune Adult will provide veterinarians with a vaccine with extended duration of immunity data based on controlled challenge studies. For the first time, the USDA has approved a vaccine that is particularly well-suited as a booster for adult dogs if an extended vaccination interval program is being used. Fort Dodge, however, continues to emphasize twice-a-year visits are still the benchmark for responsible healthcare for pets."Twice-a-year visits, comprehensive wellness exams and appropriate vaccinations remain the gold standard of a sound preventive health program for all animals. For many diseases, such as leptospirosis, corona, giardia, Bordetella and Lyme disease, annual vaccinations are still critical in maintaining the health of at-risk pets," says Mike LaRosh, DVM, director of professional services for Fort Dodge Animal Health."Only veterinarians who have a valid doctor-client-patient relationship can examine a pet, discuss the risk of the various diseases and decide the optimal preventive program with a pet owner. Together they can set the appropriate vaccination protocol for the individual animal based on its lifestyle, age and other factors. Duramune Adult is an option for veterinarians and pet owners seeking a modified annual vaccination schedule," LaRosh says. Fort Dodge Animal Health began extended duration of immunity challenge studies with this vaccine more than four years ago.

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