Hartz launches AVMF fund drive


SECAUCUS, N.J. - 5/16/05 - The American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) will be receiving funds through the Hartz Mountain Corporation from sales of VetPals, six plush stuffed animals that that will be sold to veterinarians.

SECAUCUS, N.J. - 5/16/05 - The American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) will be receiving funds through the Hartz Mountain Corporation from sales of VetPals, six plush stuffed animals that that will be sold to veterinarians.

The animals represent real animals rescued in disasters by AVMF. The plush toys don scrub tops and come with a story about how they were rescued. Details that describe the type of disaster the animal was rescued from and how AVMF team members saved the animal are described.

"We wanted to honor the dedicated service AVMF provides to animal disaster victims," says Dr. Albert Ahn, vice president of corporate communications and veterinary operations at the Hartz Mountain Corporation.

VetPals animals include a horse, cat, dog, gerbil, parrot and rabbit and can be sold in the clinic.

The set is sold for $30; a portion of the proceeds will be donated to AVMF. Visit www.vetpals.org for more information.

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