The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has granted a conditional license for the first Treponema Bacterin for digital dermatitis caused by Treponema spirochetes
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health InspectionService (APHIS) has granted a conditional license for the first TreponemaBacterin for digital dermatitis caused by Treponema spirochetes to ImmTech,a division of Novartis Animal Vaccines, Inc. ImmTech bovine production specialistTom Robb, Ph.D., says several lines of evidence now indicate that invasivespirochetes (Treponema spp) play a significant role in the pathogenesisof bovine digital dermatitis. The new bacterin Treponema Bacterin has been designed to control the invasive spirochetes implicated inthe pathogenesis of production-hampering digital dermatitis (heel warts).ImmTech's new Treponema Bacterin is an inactivated (killed) bacterin indicatedfor the use in all cattle six months of age or older, the company says.Trials indicate that vaccination of cattle with inactivated Treponema Bacterinresults in a significant reduction of clinical disease.
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