Help clients understand the importance of preventive diagnostics


These tests can be crucial to detecting underlying disease and seeing the big picture of a pet's health. Use this handout as a supplement to exam room talks to help clients understand the importance of diagnostics.

"But my dog's perfectly healthy, doc. She doesn’t need all those tests!"

How many times have you heard that come out of a client's mouth? The fact is, most pet owners don't understand how important routine and preventive diagnostic testing is in the early detection of potential disease, especially if their pet seems healthy on the outside.

That's why Dr. Jeff Rothstein, MBA, a Veterinary Economics Editorial Advisory Board member and president of the Progressive Pet Animal Hospitals and Management Group in Mich., is a firm believer in presenting—and packaging—diagnostics in an easy-to-understand way for clients.

At his practices, Dr. Rothstein lays the groundwork for preventive care and diagnostics early with puppy and kitten wellness packages, which include multiple fecal exams (and heartworm testing for 12-month-old puppies) to get clients thinking about the importance of tests that can detect underlying, or asymptomatic, conditions—even in young, healthy animals.

He continues to stress the importance of preventive diagnostics in both adult and senior pets, incorporating CBCs, chemistry panels and urinalyses with the yearly heartworm testing, in addition to twice-yearly fecal exams—all offered in complete wellness packages for clients. And client compliance has improved since he started offering these services in an all-inclusive care regimen.

Dr. Rothstein also makes sure that clients get the message about preventive care at every possible opportunity when they visit his practices. He posts his life-stage diagnostic recommendations in the exam rooms for clients to read and encourages his staff to reiterate the message when talking to pet owners.

"We build preventive care and wellness packages as a culture in our practice," Dr. Rothstein says. "We’ve got the whole team on board."

Visit to download this handout that explains the importance of preventive diagnostic tests to your clients.

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