Horses test positive for equine herpesvirus in Minnesota


Two horses quarantined, one euthanized.

Isolated at the University of Minnesota’s Large Animal Hospital, two horses are quarantined for neurologic equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1). Tests from one horse yielded a positive confirmation of the highly contagious virus Nov. 14. Tests from the second horse are still pending. A third suspected case was euthanized at the farm.

Although four additional horses remaining on the Wright County farm are being monitored, according to a university release there is no evidence that additional horses have been exposed in the Wright County outbreak. However, university equine veterinarians do want horse owners to be aware of the virus’ symptoms, which include fever, weakness and incoordination, and urine dribbling or inability to urinate. The virus causes respiratory disease, abortion and intermittent outbreaks of neurologic disease in horses.

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