Instrument Care


Spectrum Surgical Instruments announces the release of its newest product, Spectra-Soak', a cold-soak solution for stainless steel surgical instruments.

Spectrum Surgical Instruments announces the release of its newest product,Spectra-Soak', a cold-soak solution for stainless steel surgical instruments.

Spectra-Soak has been specially formulated with a built-in rust inhibitorto guarantee the safety of surgical instruments, the company says. Thisneutral pH solution completely kills tuberculosis, HIV, staphylococcus,salmonella, pseudomonas, influenza, rhinovirus, aspergillus, candida, andmore. Spectra-Soak is safe to both patients and personnel and has a lesserodor than other disinfectants, the company says.

Spectra-Soak comes ready to use, eliminating the need for messy mixing ordiluting, and is EPA-approved, guaranteeing that all claims have been testedand are accurate, the company says.

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