This phase of the Firstline Challenge will help you ensure you have what it takes to properly teach clients what they need to know about pet health.
Each phase of the Firstline Challenge's client relations component walks you through a series of activities that will help you educate clients and bond them to your practice. We envision that completing all three phases will take you about one month, but you're welcome to go at whatever pace is comfortable for you. To get started, check out No. 1 in Phase 1. Good luck, and enjoy!
Phase 1: Learn more
We suggest you complete one of these steps each day.
1. Read "5 top client questions-answered" by Michelle Hainer
2. Read "How to wow clients on a tight budget" by Donna Bauman, CVPM
3. Watch Dr. Ernie Ward explain how to broach a pet's weight problem with clients
4. Read "4 ways to show clients the value" by Brenda Tassava, CVPM
Phase 2: Take action
We suggest you complete these activities over the course of two weeks.
1. Practice talking to clients about why pet insurance is a good idea for puppies and kittens following this sample script.
2. Create handouts that will reinforce your educational message with clients. One to start with: Guidelines for dental home care
3. Make sure your pet weight loss program is designed for success. Read "Fight the giant" to find out the steps you need to take.
4. Consider implementing more show and tell into your client education strategies. You could create a bulletin board or photo handouts.
Phase 3: Assess your progress
We suggest you complete these activities in one week.
1. Take this "Pet weight loss quiz" to see whether you understand what it takes to help pets take off the pounds.
2. You can't educate clients if you don't know your own stuff. Find out whether your knowledge is up to snuff here.
3. Film yourself role-playing a client interaction then look for ways to improve.
4. Do you know how to handle clients when they face payment issues? Take this BizQuiz to find out.