In a world of layoffs, "technician" has become a nearly recession-proof job.
You're tired of hearing stories about unemployment and the struggling economy, right? Well here's a bit of good news: Veterinary technicians are still in high demand.
According to Laurence Shatkin, author of “150 Best Recession-Proof Jobs,” veterinary technician jobs are expected to experience 36 percent growth between now and 2018. That's an average of 4,850 job openings per year.
But you don't have to wait for the growth-it's happening now, Shatkin says. “Rapid growth does not always translate into job openings right now, but in this case it does,” he says. “The number of veterinary lab tests continues to grow very rapidly, and colleges where students prepare for this career report good opportunities for their graduates.”
Check out the related links below for information about how to make the most of your career as a veterinary technician-or other veterinary team member.