Medical Engineering and Development, Inc. introduces its line of lifting exam and transport/treatment tables are now available in a durable color finish to complement the décor of veterinary clinics.
Medical Engineering and Development, Inc. introduces its line of liftingexam and transport/treatment tables are now available in a durable colorfinish to complement the décor of veterinary clinics. The tablesmay be fitted with stainless steel or a Formica accent color top to complementthe interior design, the company says. The Formica surfaces have been testedand found to be even more stain resistant than the regular Formica commonlyused for counter tops, the company says. The new Formica material as foundto resist staining solutions such as Lugol's solution, safranin stain, crystalviolet stain, blue giemsa and new methylen blue blood stain. The new Formicacomes in numerous colors and shades.
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