Providence House Manufacturing introduces Smart Cat Box, litter box that is a natural and safe way for veterinarians to collect feline urine samples for urinalysis.
Providence House Manufacturing introduces Smart Cat Box, litter box that is a natural and safe way for veterinarians to collect feline urine samples for urinalysis.
The Smart Cat Box was created to relieve stress from the veterinarian, owner and pet, the company says.
The sample can be collected easily, and 100 percent of the sample can be used; it also has to incorporate a new long-lasting odorless, non-absorbent litter that will not stick to feces. The new design is inexpensive and easy to maintain, the company adds.
The product is a diagnostic and monitoring tool for veterinarians that replaces the need to force urination to obtain a sample.
The Smart Cat Box is a nested two-box system. The top box has a slotted floor that contains non-absorbent litter pellets. The urine flows through the slotted floor into the bottom box that houses the urine collection reservoir.
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