The goal of this presentation it to identify stressors for the competitive horse, learn how to prepare the competitive horse and how to keep the competitive horse motivated.
The goal of this presentation it to identify stressors for the competitive horse, learn how to prepare the competitive horse and how to keep the competitive horse motivated. Some potential stressors for the competitive horse will be discussed such as environmental and dietary stressors, Travel and Transportation stress, Injuries and Illness and training regimen.
Mind games for competitive horses
Mentally preparing them for competition, isolation and artificial environments
The goal of this presentation it to:
What are some potential stressors for the competitive horse?
1. Nature of horses: All change is bad
Stress also manifests in behavior problems: Resistance, aggression, fear, anxiety, stereotypic behaviors. Chronic Stress and distress leads to compromised welfare, maladaptive behaviors and behavior changes: physical and/or psychological.
Which Horses become good competition horses? Nature and Nurture
2. Environmental stressors: New environment: Smells, noises, visual trigger, size of confinement, change in exercise surfaces, new Social structures
If everything else changes, the human needs to be consistent!
3. Dietary variations and stress leads to dehydration, colic, gastric ulcers and chronic weight loss
How to prevent dietary stress: maintain feeding schedule and routine, feed high quality feed, increase roughage, allow regular grazing and foraging, use feed dispensing toy's and enrichment
4. Transportation stress:
The horse on the move is exposed to nearly every recognized potential stressor factor as well as respiratory infections and gastric ulcers. Studies have suggested that loading and unloading are considered most stressful. The stress response decreases with repeated transportation, suggesting habituation. Driving to a destination entails not a continuous constant stressor, coping with changes in speed, road surface, and turns will require some form of physical fitness from the horse.
5. Injuries/illness: Competition horses are athletes, they are at higher risk for injury and illness. Is the horse ready?
How to prevent and prepare? Regular Vet checks, Vaccinations, DW, Tack checks, Hoof care, Dental care, Nutritional demands, TLC, Nutraceuticals, Cross training, appropriate rest periods
6. Training regimen
Training is most rapid and consistent when training related stress is minimized and when training practices match a horse's mental and physical abilities. A good trainer has realistic expectations for the horse, is aware of physical and mental limitations that could affect the quality of training outcome and picks the right horse for the job to minimize training stress. The training methods used have to be positive – training has to be rewarding and motivating. Punishment and harsh methods lead to conflict and learned helplessness. To maintain motivation, work sessions should be short, breaks in session should be appropriate, new skills should be practiced while old ones should be mastered, training should be based on command – response - reward approach, and it is important that all session end on a good note, cross training should be implemented in all disciplines.
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September 3rd 2024Updates on the intravenous fluid shortage impacting Australian veterinary practices, a welcome funding boost for the Veterinary and Community Care charity, and Australia’s first Fear Free Certified veterinary practice.
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