AgriLabs introduces Mycomune? bacterin, the first USDA-licensed vaccine for the prevention of mycoplasma mastitis caused by Mycoplasma bovis.
AgriLabs introduces Mycomune® bacterin, the first USDA-licensed vaccine for the prevention of mycoplasma mastitis caused by Mycoplasma bovis.
Economic loss to producers whose herds have contracted the disease is vast and often ends in culling infected cows. The product reduces the duration and severity of already infected cows, the company says.
AgriLabs recommends vaccinating all incoming replacement cows and heifers to prevent the disease.
In pre-licensing clinical trials cows vaccinated with Mycomune and challenged with M. bovis had 80 percent fewer cases of mycoplasma mastitis than the control group, as measured by milk samples, udder scores and clinical mastitis cases, the company says.
The vaccine consists of three 2 ml subcutaneous injections given approximately two weeks apart with the last injection given two to three weeks before calving.
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