New E. coli vaccine for cattle gets conditional USDA license


Willmar, Minn. -- Epitopix, the newest E. coli 0157 vaccine for cattle, was granted a conditional license by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Willmar, Minn.

-- Epitopix, the newest

E. coli

0157 vaccine for cattle, was granted a conditional license by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The vaccine is made with Epitopix's patented vaccine production process and is labeled for use in cattle to reduce E. coli 0157 carrier-state prevalence and to reduce the amount of the bacteria shed in feces, decreasing exposure among herds.

While the license is conditional, awaiting additional studies, the approval does allow Epitopix to make the drug immediately available, the company says. A similar drug, Econiche, was approved for use last year in Canada.

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