Iowa State University Press announces new book releases.
Iowa State University Press announces the release of the following titles:Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual, Fifth Edition by William J. Foreyt;Diagnostic Ultrasound in Small Animal Practice Second Edition edited byDrs. Paddy Mannion and Johann Lang; Anatomy of the Horse, Third Editionby Drs. Klaus-Dieter Budras, W.O. Sack and Sabine Rock; Introduction toAnimal Technology, Second Edition edited by Stephen W. Barnett; ClinicalAnatomy for Small Animal Practitioners by Dr. Geheorghe M. Constantinescu;Clinical Medicine of the Dog and Cat edited by Dr. Michael Schaer; VeterinaryMicrobiology and Microbial Diseases by Drs. P.J. Quinn, W.J. Donnelly, BryanK. Markey, M.E. Carter and F.C. Leonard.
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