Nutramax Laboratories® introduces a new size of its Cosequin® Equine Powder in a 1400-gram scoop.
Nutramax Laboratories® introduces a new size of its Cosequin®Equine Powder in a 1400-gram scoop. Cosequin Equine Powder, the originalpatented glucosamine/chondrotin sulfate joint supplement for horses, hasbeen available previously in a 280-gram starter size and the original 700-gramsize.
The new 1400-gram size contains 424 scoops of powder, a supply of more thansix months for a horse on a maintenance program, the company says. Cosequinis a high-quality glucosamine/chondroitin joint health supplement for horsesof all ages, the company says.
The average horse is put on a loading program of four to six scoops a dayfor two to six weeks and then moves to a maintenance program of one or twoscoops a day.
The supplement uses an exclusive blend of high purity, low molecular weightchondroitin sulfate and high purity glucosamine hydrochloride. Cosequinis the only glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate brand that has been proven effectivein peer-reviewed controlled, published clinical studies, the company says.
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