Greensboro, N.C. - Novartis introduces Monocryl Plus Antibacterial (poliglecaprone 25) Monofilament Suture for high-risk patients or surgical procedures where the presence of bacteria is a concern.
GREENSBORO, N.C. — Novartis introduces Monocryl Plus Antibacterial (poliglecaprone 25) Monofilament Suture for high-risk patients or surgical procedures where the presence of bacteria is a concern.
Made by Ethicon Products, Monocryl Plus Suture contains Irgacare MP, a pure form of triclosan, which is a proven, broad-spectrum antibacterial, the company says.
In vitro studies demonstrate a zone of bacterial inhibition. The selection of an antibacterial suture is useful for high-risk surgical cases or procedures where bacterial presence is a concern, such as:
Monocryl Plus sutures inhibit bacterial colonization of the suture by such known pathogens as E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staph aureus, Staph epidermidis, Methicillin Resistant S. aureus and Methicillin Resistant S. epidermidis.
The product provides out-of-package strength and pliability for smooth, even passage through tissue, the company says.
This product offers a significant reduction in pain and edema, the company adds.
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