Physical Therapy


High Medical Technologies introduces the VersaTron, a compact size, high power, focused shock wave device designed for veterinary medicine.

High Medical Technologies introduces the VersaTron, a compact size, highpower, focused shock wave device designed for veterinary medicine. Shockwaves are high-energy sound waves, which are transmitted to the affectedbody part. There, they trigger the body's natural repair mechanisms, thecompany says The VersaTron is recommended for a number of equine conditionsincluding, but not limited to desmopathies, tendinopathies, stress fractures,joint diseases, navicular syndrome, and "sore back" conditions.Shock wave therapy, has been proven effective in reversing the effects ofthese lameness disorders that might otherwise have ended the animal's career.More recently, the VersaTron has shown successful outcome in a number ofcanine indications. These include, but are not limited to degenerative jointdisease, tendinopathies, desmopathies, fractures, OCD lesions and spinalspondylosis.

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