Fetch is bringing you interactive elements make your conference experience mean more than just CE.
CVC is now Fetch, a dvm360 conference, and that means we're doing more to try to make your conference experience just that-a full experience. High-quality CE is great (and necessary), but so is a 360-look at veterinary professionals and their collective well-being. Here's a look at some of what we did in Kansas City to foster some emotional nurturing in addition to the educational nurturing.
Pics or it didn't happen
Several selfie stations were set up around the exhibit hall to give people the chance to show they were at the conference (and connect with others through the hashtag) but also get a little silly. The Fetch dvm360 staff decorated the backdrops for the booths with animal puns, dogs and cats to give them a more interactive feel. (Next step? Letting you add your own art to the booth.) The four pictures taken by the booth generate a short gif that can be emailed, texted or shared to social media. One of the stations was moved part way through to take up residence next to the adoptable puppies. Wait, there were puppies? Oh yeah ...
How much is that puppy in the window?
KC Pet Project brought along nine adorable puppies for cuddles and adoption. They had a few busy days romping around being held by everyone who dropped by, but played their roles admirably (and got a little socialization in the process). By the end of conference, all the puppies had been adopted and given a lot of visitors to the exhibit hall something to smile about. Maybe kittens next year? We're crossing our fingers. And we'll definitely be keeping our eyes peeled for Chief, Ridglan Animal Care Systems' (RACS) new spokes dog and recent adoptee.
Get drawn as your patronus
Caricature artists set up in the exhibit hall to bring a little something extra to the mix. We've all been to events with caricature artists, and let's face it, what group of introverts is really going to want self-portraits done? That's why these artists brought a twist with them-they'd draw you as an animal instead. Sign us up!
They catch Frisbees so you don't have to
There are times when we all feel bad for not going to the gym or for tripping over that section of rug we trip on every. dang. day. That's why sometimes it's better to let the sporting dogs do their thing and not have to worry about whether you can sweat out the next run. Kansas City featured agility dogs and Frisbee dogs showing off their skills, which included some pretty impressive forms of balance and flipping. And what better way to tie in with the sporting dog CE track than to go see them practice in the flesh?
That's a beginning to the sorts of things we have in store to try to make your conference refreshing in between the learning (in ways other than just offering up refreshments). Don't miss San Diego! We've got more coming.