ReproTest For Bulls


ReproTec Inc introduces the ReproTest for Bulls -Chute Side Test for Fertility Associated Antigen (FAA).

ReproTec Inc introduces the ReproTest for Bulls — Chute Side Test for Fertility Associated Antigen (FAA). The ReproTest for Bulls identifies the FAA protein in bull semen. Bulls testing positive for FAA are 16 percent to 19 percent more fertile than bulls testing negative for FAA. The chute side test for FAA is a simple lateral flow cassette, much like a home pregnancy test. Results are apparent within 20 minutes.

The test is run in conjunction with a breeding soundness exam and only needs to be run once during a bull's lifetime.

Dr. Roy Ax and his colleagues have spent more than a decade researching FAA and conducting field trials. To date, 15,000-plus cows mated to more than 600 bulls have shown that FAA-positive bulls produce conception rates 16 percent to 19 percent higher than FAA-negative bulls. Most breeding trials were conducted on the famous King Ranch of Texas under the direction of Hal Hawkens and Dr. Roy Ax. Other trials comparing conception rates between positive and negative AI sires show similar differences in fertility.

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