Make the most of a five-minute conversation.
You only get a small window of time with clients, so make the most of it. Whether on the phone or in the exam room, you can strengthen client relationships and get to the bottom of clients' fears and wants. Here's an example from Cindy Adams, MSW, PhD, a veterinary communications professor at the University of Calgary, of how to make the most of a five-minute conversation.
You: Good morning, Ms. Miller. How are you? I'm a veterinary technician, and I'm going to meet with you before the doctor comes in so I can hear more about how Shadow is doing. I understand that you're here about Shadow's listlessness. Do you have any other concerns?
Client: He never wants to play anymore. He sleeps all day and he's losing weight.
You: Have you noticed anything else?
Client: He sleeps with me every night. He used to jump up onto the bed. Now I have to lift him.
You: It sounds like you're really concerned and we thank you for bringing Shadow in today so we can get a better understanding about what's going on. Of the changes you've noticed, which one worries you the most?
Client: The weight loss. I'm hoping it's just that he's getting older or that he has a flu bug. I don't want it to be something serious.
You: No matter what the cause, we'll keep working with you and Shadow until the problem is resolved. I'm going to get the doctor, and while I do, I'd like you to think about any questions you have for us and how'd you like to see the visit end today.