WESTBROOK, MAINE - IDEXX Laboratories introduces the Snap 4Dx Test an in-house test that lets veterinarians screen for heartworm, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease and anaplasmosis.
WESTBROOK, MAINE — IDEXX Laboratories introduces the Snap 4Dx Test an in-house test that lets veterinarians screen for heartworm, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease and anaplasmosis. The company reports the test helps support veterinarians by managing the growing anaplasmosis incidence by:
The test is affordable and delivers accurate screening results with at least a 98-percent specificity on all four diseases, the company reports.
Dogs exposed to Anaplasma phagocytophilum (E. equi) are at risk for getting sick.
Supporting clinical signs for an anaplasmosis diagnosis are lameness, anorexia, petechia, lethargy and fever. Supporting CBC/chemistry evidence of anaplasmosis includes thrombocytopenia, lymphopenia, leukopenia and hyperglobulinemia, the company reports.
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