How Does Empowerment Relate to the Veterinary Practice?
1. How Does Empowerment Relate to the Veterinary Practice?
2. Factors That Must Be Present In Order For A Person to Be Empowered
a. Providing Capable Individuals with Power
b. Create an Environment Where Employees Can Grow and Develop
c. Build Confidence
d. Provide a Sense of Autonomy
3. Top Ways to Empower Your Employees
a. Conduct Engaging and Productive Team Meetings
i. Conduct team meetings that empower your team and result in a more committed team.
b.Become An Employer of Choice
i. Assess Your Practice's Compensation and Benefits Plan
ii. Conduct a Pay Scale Analysis
iii. Consider Incentive Programs
c. Help Map out Their Future
i. Provide Continuing Education Opportunities
ii. Create Career Development Plans
d. Involve Your Team in Major Decision-Making Processes
i. Team Recruitment
ii. Key Indicator Tracking
e. Standardize Performance Feedback
i. Must be accomplished in a timely manner
ii. Employee knowledge of criteria
iii. Use of effective evaluation form
iv. Open discussion
v. Results of evaluation
f. Commend and Acknowledge Your Team
i. Tips on how to effectively and consistently praise your team