Follow these steps to place a cephalic catheter
The cephalic catheter is the most common IV catheter placed in dogs and cats. This article will help you brush up on your technique.
To place a cephalic catheter, gather the following items:
1. Clippers
2. Cleaning solutions such as chlorihexdine, povidone-iodine, or alcohol
3. Appropriate-size IV catheter
a. 24-ga for puppies and kittens
b. 22-ga for cats and small dogs
c. 20-ga for medium-sized dogs
d. 18-ga large dogs
4. T-set adaptor or injection cap
5. Tape to secure the IV catheter in place.
Now follow the photos with instructions below:
More in this package:
Step 2: Locate the cephalic vein
Step 5: Troubleshoot catheter placement
Step 6: See final catheter placement