Top 10 costly veterinary treatments


These medical procedures cost a lot because they're worth it, requiring hard work and high-quality medical care at the veterinary practice. Let your clients know.

Many of the most common pet insurance claims for more than $1,000 can yield good prognoses—but that's only if a client (or your practice's angel fund) can pay for treatment. Take a look at a recent list from VPI Pet Insurance of the top 10 most common expensive pet health conditions. Consider whether your average client would hesitate to spend the money for those procedures. If so, injured and ill cats and dogs—and their owners—may have another way out, too. Visit to make sure you're offering clients options for funding medically necessary procedures.

More in this package:

Top 10 costly conditions

Consumer mag tells your clients: Shop around

Consumer mag tells your clients: Shop around

Because pet owners can’t ­easily judge your practice’s equipment or your veterinarians’ medical skills, Consumer Reports has advised them to shop on what they do know: price. Read all about it—and find tips on attracting phone ­shoppers—at

More in this package:

Top 10 costly conditions

Consumer mag tells your clients: Shop around

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