Columbia, Mo. -- In an effort to do her part to decrease the number of unwanted horses in the United States, the head of University of Missouri's equine ambulatory section will offer an equine sterilization clinic this fall.
Columbia, Mo. -- In an effort to do her part to decrease the number of unwanted horses in the United States, the head of University of Missouri's equine ambulatory section will offer an equine sterilization clinic this fall.
Alison LaCarrubba, DVM, and veterinary students will castrate horses for little or no cost at the university's Middlebush Farm. Area veterinarians and equine rescue organizations will refer the stallions.
The idea came from a successful program in Minnesota. "This is a win-win situation for horse owners, our students and the horses that will come here," LaCarrubba says. "It's just a small effort to tackle a growing problem."
LaCarrubba is asking for donations to offset the cost of the clinic, which should run $500 to $1,000. Interested donors can call the development office at the College of Veterinary Medicine at 573-882-1902.