Here's how to ask for an evaluation-and, in the meantime, initiate some positive feedback of your own.
If the managers at your practice don't hold regular performance reviews, you should still ask for feedback. Request a meeting with your manager, and let her know ahead of time that you'd like to discuss your performance. Use the tips from "Performance Reviews: Get Ready to Shine" to prepare for the meeting and to guide your conversation. While you're talking, let your manager know that you're interested in scheduling a regular meeting—maybe quarterly or annually—to make sure you're on track.
But before you get together with your manager, consider asking your co-workers whether they'd benefit from performance reviews. If others would also like regular feedback, you can mention that fact to your manager. If she says she's not sure she can make regular reviews happen, offer to help. You could create a self-evaluation form for her to approve. When she gives it the OK, you could copy and distribute it.
Of course, you don't need to wait for an official review to show appreciation for a job well done. Remember the snap cup from the movie Legally Blonde 2? Make one for your practice to let team members know when they've accomplished something special. Or try this fun idea: Ask team members to write down one or two positive attributes—whether it be a great smile or patience with clients—about each of your co-workers. Put a team-wide list together and distribute it so everyone can get a boost when they need one.